Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Seema... again

Here are a few more poems... she wrote for me..... aint she good? :)

I often burden you
With my troubles’ heap

But never do you object
With an annoyed beep

You always kindly
Do my worries sweep

Your fondness
At all times, makes me leap

Out of happiness
Tears, from my eyes seep

You’d see sincere gratitude
Into my heart, if you peep

Hoping our relationship
In the same way does keep

And you forever remain
My chweet friend Sandeep


Another one .....

To Sandeep, an adored pal of mine
In my heart, you always shine
You are a support; I’m a vine
Counting on you, I’m always fine

Do I talk; you are there to hear
Do I cry, you will wipe my tear
Hence, of grief, I no more fear
Coz I’m certain you will be there to cheer

You are someone I can easily confide in
I’m so happy, your friendship I could win
With my poem, my feelings do I pin
Purpose will be served if it makes you grin

If you too have any weal
That is hindering your zeal
Within yourself, don’t do them seal
Tell me, better I’ll try to make you feel


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