Saturday, November 25, 2006


The title track promises a roller coaster ride... and that's exactly what it delivers.... a roller coaster ride of thrills and some ignorable spills............

What could be bigger than a movie which has Hrithik, Abhishek and Ash in it..... the hype began when this coup was made.. and it just developed into a avalanche of hype that the movie opened with.

Hype is something which can make or break a film, it makes the expectations skyrocket and if the movie does not eventually match up to the hype the spiral downwards is equally steep.

So how does the most hyped up movie of recent times fare up..... let me give you my point of view...

Dhoom 2 is a sequel, and I believe a sequel is successful only if it can better the original. Dhoom was a film which broke the genre of romantic movies at the box office.. It put the buck where the bang was.. action became cool again.. and icons were made... the whole nation rocked to "Dhoom Machale" and it created a space for stylized action movies to be made...

So anything which followed Dhoom had to be bigger... and that's where Dhoom 2 steps up to the plate. For starters it has the biggest star cast of the year. backing by the successful Yashraj films and the same director back at the helm.

When the Dhoom series began it began from the concept that every five minutes needed a highlight, a cool action scene or a great song... the enterprise carry’s forth with the same belief.

So we have Hrithik jumping of a airplane and pulling of a impossible heist in Namibia for the opening sequence. Its followed a supercool hrithik rocking to "Dhoom Again" when the titles roll. The pace is set and what follows is a barrage of eye candy... Hrithik pulling of robberies after robberies which incredulous techniques [thank fully not borrowed from Hollywood this time].

By the time interval hits you, you have already feel u have had your monies worth. The second half is more of the same lots of action and cool songs.

Agreed this movie ain't one that would be "intellectually stimulating" but its damn entertaining and I believe great cinema is one which does what it sets out to do. In this case to entertain and it does it to the fullest. Escapism is the name of the game here.

I am consciously not telling u the story here coz.. actually there ain't any and u are happy for it.. it just ur cop chase robber saga with a love story thrown in...


Hrithik Roshan: This man is awesome period. He looks awesome and does the craziest stunts that would put any hollywood actor worth his salt to shame. This man has arrived and is undoubtedly the international face of Indian cinema. Just go watch this movie for this man... uber cool!!!!

Abhishek : This man isn't his usual self in this movie and gets over shadowed Hrithik big time. Does a honest job but script doesnt allow much for him, nor does his efforts shine through.

Aishwarya: tries to look very hot in the first half and half succeeds, the skimpy outfits doesn't just go with her somehow. But her performance in the second half is worth mentioning especially the scene
ac cross the table with Hrithik.

Uday : Is actually funny this time and is bearable which is a surprise to me.. way to go Uday

Bipasha: Looks like desi Lara Croft in the first half and that's about it. Dunno why she was there in the first place. The most confusing part of the movie about the twin Bips Monali and Shonali...


Great movie, kool songs another movie this year which makes you feel Bollywood is on the right track. The action and stunts match up to any hollywood production. and Hrithik is gonna go ballistic from here... Watch out for him.

Go Dhoom Again ... Dhoom MACHALE